Monday, June 13, 2011


ENG 10R Self-Evaluation Assignment


Write a 1-3 page self-evaluation letter to your English teacher (that would be me) that makes one of the following claims and supports it with evidence that is quoted, paraphrased, and/or summarized from the ENG 10R course for 2010/2011.

• My fourth quarter grade merits a high pass because I have met the class goals exceptionally well.
• My fourth quarter grade merits a pass because I have met the class goals well.
• My fourth quarter grade merits a low pass because I have met some of the class goals.
• My fourth quarter grade merits a fail because I have not met the required class goals.

Your self-evaluation letter should be a highly polished piece of writing that demonstrates your ability to:
• make and support a persuasive claim in a manner appropriate for a student completing 10th grade
• use class-based examples to support your claims
• write in edited Standard English prose.

Writing Process
There is no single way to write a thoughtful self-evaluation. A persuasive self-evaluation selects and presents the most important evidence and results of your learning process. Answering the following questions will help you develop your main claim and your supporting evidence in your self-evaluation letter.
  • What assignment was the easiest for you? Why? What does this suggest about you?
  • In what ways has your writing improved while you have been in this class?
  • What kinds of instruction or activities have most improved your writing? Explain.
  • What was the most challenging assignment in class this year? Why? How did you deal with the challenges? What was the outcome?
  • Of what piece of writing are you proudest? Why?
  • What assignment did you learn the most from this year? What did you learn? Why do you value this?
  • What literature did you enjoy over the past year? Why?
  • What literature did you not enjoy? Why?
  • What do you still need to work on as a reader, writer, and thinker? Why do you think so?
  • Did you do more or less than was expected by the instructor? Than your classmates? Why/why not?
  • What do you now understand best about your ENG 10R course's main theme or topic? Why?
  • What was most satisfying about the course? The most frustrating? What is your responsibility for each?
  • What is the relationship between the reading, writing, and thinking you practiced in this course and the reading, writing, thinking you need to do in your everyday life?
  • Are you the same reader, writer, and thinker who began the class? If not, what is different?
  • What did you expect to learn? What did you actually learn? More or less? Why?

**Feel free to add anything else that you think it/was important to your experience in class this year.


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